Points |
Powers |
52 |
Electrical Attacks Multipower (52-pt reserve) (52) |
u-5 |
Lightning Blast: 7d6 Energy Blast; Range: 260; Versus: ED; Penetrating: +½ (52) |
5 |
u-6 |
Electric Arcing: 6d6 Energy Blast; Versus: ED; Area Effect (Any Area): 3 hexes, +1; No Range: -½; Must touch target; All hexes must contain a person: Seriously, -½ (60) |
6 |
--- |
20 |
Elemental Control: Electricity (20-pt reserve) (20) |
a-20 |
Electrical Field: Force Field (16 PD/16 ED); Reduced END: Half, +¼ (40) |
1 |
b-20 |
Electrical Travel: 20" Teleportation (Long Range 80"); Increased Range: ×4, +10; Only through wiring: Seriously, -½; Long Range: 80"; Long Range (miles): 0.099 (50) |
4 |
--- |
26 |
Static Shield: 6d6 Energy Blast; Range: 260; Versus: ED; Damage Shield: +½; Reduced END: Half, +¼; Linked to Force Field: -½; Activation: 14-, -½ (52) |
2 |
--- |
6 |
See through wiring: Clairsentience (Normal Sight); Range: 100"; Only through wiring: Seriously, -½; Activation: 8-, -2 (20) |
2 |
155 |
Total Powers |
150+ |
Disadvantages |
5 |
Distinctive Features: Very Short; Concealability: Easily, 5 |
15 |
Secret Identity: Melissa Talbot |
20 |
Code Against Killing (Common, Total) |
20 |
Psychological Limitation (Common, Total) |
30 |
Susceptibility: When hit with water while Static Shield is active (3d6 STUN and BODY/Instant); Condition: Uncommon, +5 |
10 |
Vulnerability: Magnetics (1½× STUN and BODY); Attack: Uncommon, +5 |
100 |
Total Disadvantages |