Points |
Powers |
17 |
Multipower: Minotaur Maneuvers (30-pt reserve); Only in Hero ID: -¼; Only when shrunk: -½ (30) |
m-3 |
Horn Gore: Hand-to-Hand Attack (6d6, Total 12d6); Armor Piercing: 1, +½ (27) |
3 |
m-3 |
Horn Punt: Hand-to-Hand Attack (5d6, Total 10d6); Double Knockback: +¾ (26) |
3 |
m-3 |
Running (+15", 21", NC: 42"); Non-Combat (MPH): 45; Only when shrunk: -½ (30) |
4 |
u-8 |
Hoof Battering: Hand-to-Hand Attack (15d6, Total 24d6); Reduced Penetration: -¼ (45) |
4 |
--- |
34 |
Armor (20 PD/20 ED); Only when shrunk: -½; Only in Hero ID: -¼ (60) |
4 |
Mental Defense: Stubborn (7 pts); Add to Total; Only in Hero ID: -¼ (5) |
8 |
Regeneration (1 BODY/Turn); Only in Hero ID: -¼ (10) |
--- |
62 |
Shrinking/Density Increase; Reduced END: Zero, +½; Only in Hero ID: -¼ (93) |
(36) |
Shrinking-3 (DCV +6, Height 22½ cm/9"); Mass: 0.13867 kg/0.30 lbs; Knockback Increase: 9; PER Bonus: -6 (45) |
0 |
(26) |
Density Increase-6 (×64 mass); Mass: 4,544 kg/9,997 lbs; Extra PD: +6; Extra ED: +6; Extra STR: +30; Knockback: -6"; Linked: -½ (45) |
0 |
--- |
37 |
Minotaur Toughness Characteristics; Only in Hero ID: -¼ (37) |
(26) |
+11 DEX (33) |
(6) |
+4 CON (8) |
(5) |
+3 BODY (6) |
--- |
5 |
Instant Change; Clothes: One Set, 5 (5) |
4 |
Extra Limb: Tail (1); Number: 1; Only in Hero ID: -¼ (5) |
188 |
Total Powers |
Points |
Skills, Talents, Perks |
Roll |
19 |
Wrestling |
(3) |
Slam (OCV +0, DCV +1, 9d6+v/5) |
(3) |
Take Down (OCV +2, DCV +1, 9d6) |
(4) |
Escape (OCV +0, DCV +0, STR 60) |
(5) |
Choke (OCV -2, DCV +0, Grab, 2d6 NND) |
(4) |
Reversal (OCV +2, DCV +2) |
--- |
6 |
+2 level w/3 Maneuvers: Horn Gore, Horn Punt,
Move-Through |
3 |
Breakfall |
13- |
3 |
Acrobatics |
13- |
--- |
3 |
Bump of Direction |
5 |
Cramming |
3 |
Computer Programming |
11- |
2 |
Area Knowledge: DePaul area |
11- |
2 |
Knowledge Skill: Professional Baseball |
11- |
46 |
Total Skills, Talents, Perks |
150+ |
Disadvantages |
20 |
Vulnerability: Magic (2× STUN and BODY); Attack: Uncommon, +5 |
20 |
Accidental Change: Sight of Red (11-) |
15 |
Secret Identity: Drew Bocums |
15 |
Distinctive Features: Minotaur; Concealability: Easily, 5; Reaction: Extreme, +10 |
15 |
Difficulty speaking in Minotaur form (Frequently, Greatly) |
10 |
Bull-Headed (Common, Moderate) |
5 |
Enraged at Sight of Red (11-, 14-); Circumstances: Uncommon, +5 |
100 |
Total Disadvantages |