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Written by Troy McGary and Mike Riley
"I hate to admit it but I forget things all the time" - RAMPAGE!
"Botany…HA!" - SPARKPLUG
"I think the megalomaniac wants us to go that way..." - THE FOREMAN
"How nice to see my nemesises...nemesisses...nemissi...oh, whatever." - SHAMU
"What do you want, a Mickey Mouse Club role call?" - MINI-TAUR
Our heroes find themselves in hot pursuit of…
They find themselves in the damp coral-like corridors of…
Wait. Where are we again?
This isn't where we left off.
As our intrepid heroes try to figure out how they got into this damp coral-like tunnel, MINI-TAUR, bewildered by his companions' confusion, sums up the past few hours…
"Ok. We were paged by the Mayor, met at headquarters, chased some jewel thieves to the lake, borrowed a boat, chased them across the lake, fought some fish guys, lost our police liaison, put on some scuba gear, discovered an underwater base, found the entrance, and here we are.
MINI-TAUR's summary was met with blank stares. No one remembered anything.
Wandering around the tunnels and trying to find a way out, THE FOREMAN tries to apply his knowledge of Botany to figure out what the walls were made of, and finds they are laced with a fine metal mesh.
Not more than a few moments later, walls drop from the ceiling in front of and behind our heroes and slowly begin to close in on them. After much bickering, and a little bit of panicking, our heroes try to force the walls of the deathtrap apart to no avail. SPARKPLUG zaps the wall, and when MINI-TAURs fillings give him a twinge, he forms a plan! A few megawatts later, SPARKPLUG has the metal mesh walls charged with opposite polarity. With the Foreman and MINI-TAUR pushing on one wall, and RAMPAGE on the other, they generate enough force to shove the walls back and escape!
Venturing down the hallway, the super team finds a locked with some bizarre technology. With RAMPAGE's paranoia fueling his security systems and lock picking skills, he manages to get the door open.
One door down, our heroes find a few more, but RAMPAGE can only get the door to slide an inch off the floor. When MINI-TAUR shrinks he still can't squeeze under the door. With some super effort (and a swift kick from SPARKPLUG), MINI-TAUR shrinks smaller than he's ever been, and manages to slip under door. Within, MINI-TAUR finds a sickly woman laying on a dry sponge like bed, her skin all wrinkly like she's been in the water too long, but the room is the first dry area they have been in. With some quick investigation, MINI-TAUR notices that the green skinned woman, has gills, and is having problems breathing, and while the Foreman retrieves a hose (conveniently located outside), and slips it under the door, MINI-TAUR douses the green chick in water, and she begins to return to a less prune-like state.
RAMPAGE finally gets the door fully open and the Foreman tries to rouse the Atlantean.
When the Atlantean does open her eyes, it is only to have her snap awake, and 'zap' THE FOREMAN, and they both fall to the floor.
Coming to his senses, THE FOREMAN tries to explain to his friends what happened, but can only speak gibberish. (Not much different than his friends).
A few hallways later, our team cracks open another door, and kick some Fishy butt. THE FOREMAN entangles two, RAMPAGE grabs one, and MINI-TAUR gores the living (literally) hell out of one. By the time SPARKPLUG grabs the last one, he falls to his knees whimpering, and defeated.
THE FOREMAN, who was still out in the hallway, enters the room, and goes nuts when he sees the bloody fish man in the corner (courtesy of MINI-TAUR), and lunges at MINI-TAUR. He misses, and falls to the floor, tripping over a sponge 'bed' growing out of the floor. After several tense seconds of intense wrestling between RAMPAGE and THE FOREMAN (with an assist from SPARKPLUG), THE FOREMAN calms down enough to settle for giving the team a lecture on the value of life. (It could have been the glint on MINI-TAUR's horns, or the sparks from the hands of our Electric heroine.)
When our heroes stop arguing, a booming voice comes out of the walls and ceilings, 'inviting' the team to join him down the hall.
Once our hero's make it down the hall, SHAMU makes his presence known. In the center of the room is a mechanical pedestal, with several 'arms' holding the stolen jewels (remember those), and an especially shiny jewel at its center.
SHAMU starts to give the team a history lesson on great Chicago heroes from the past, but the team isn't hearing it.
THE FOREMAN tries to grab the jewel in the heard of the device but merely bounces back from his attempts and some shimmering force field ripples in defiance.
Some intense combat soon follows, and while SPARKPLUG and RAMPAGE try to keep SHAMU busy…
THE FOREMAN, with his newfound understanding of Atlantean, and MINI-TAUR, with his computer programming skills, manage to deactivate the force field from the bizarre computer terminal in the room while the rest of the team battles SHAMU, the whole time racing a 60 second countdown.
Once THE FOREMAN and MINI-TAUR get the force field to drop, THE FOREMAN rushes the machine and grabs the central jewel, only to have that followed by the blaring of alarms, and a 3-second explosion imminent alarm.
When our brave hero's flee the impending explosion, THE FOREMAN attempts to contain the blast by running force wall circles around the machine in the center of the room. When the blast is released, the walls come down, and our hero's narrowly escape while the base is flooded and destroyed.
Our band of intrepid defenders re-groups on their borrowed boat with the Atlantean woman, and wait for THE FOREMAN to surface, and wait, and wait and wait.
Will our heroes discover what happened to their memories? Will the fate of THE FOREMAN and SARAH FINN ever be discovered? Will SPARKPLUG quit running headlong into risky situations? Will RAMPAGE! ever escape the watchful eye of Them? Tune in next time…..maybe.
Player |
Character |
Heather Pishko |
Sparkplug |
Tom Lynch |
Rampage! |
Brad Berlage |
Mini-Taur |
Troy McGary |
The Foreman |
Villains Encountered:
Fishmen | ![]() |
Whimpy Atlanteans |
Shamu | ![]() |
Blubbery Atlantean |